IT Strategy
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Business Intelligence Is Valuable, but Falls Short of Its Potential
Ever since 1964, when a researcher named Michael S. Scott Morton coined the phrase “decision support system” in a basement…
CIOs Largely Overlook Compliance Best-Practices Guide
Sarbanes-Oxley compliance has fueled interest in the IT Infrastructure Library best practices, but a lack of understanding of ITIL and…
Mobility Becomes a Strategic Goal, Not Just a Productivity Tool
Pedestrians gabbing on cell phones and office workers checking their PDAs are as much a part of the street scene…
2005 CIO Compensation Survey
Up. It’s a nice way for pay to move, and it’s where most of the chief information officers in Baseline‘s…
Can You Profit as Customers Get Smarter?
88% of companies reach customers through their Web sites 19% of IT budgets go to customer-focused activities 43% of CIOs…
HHS Launches Health IT Collaborative
Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt announced Monday the formation of a “national collaboration” to create a technical standard…
Innovation Makes Emerging Technologies Pay Off
5.4% of corporate budgets are spent specifically on innovation. 73% of IT departments are involved in new product and service…
Surround-Sound Ads Make Their Way to Retailers’ Registers
With American retailers preparing to replace their aging point-of-sale units at record rates, a retail POS vendor called VeriFone wants…