IT Strategy
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Trend 11: More IT Jobs Will Require Business Experience
Business intelligence technology requires IT workers who are intelligent about business. The proportion of CIOs with a substantial business background…
Trend 26: Process Management Revs Up
IT spurs search for process management technologies. Since IT now plays a leading role in business process improvement, it’s not…
Trend 28: Open Source Becomes Everyday Software
It’s not just about the money. Open source usage will spread well beyond the Linux operating system, the Apache Web…
Trend 29: Linux Joins the Software Establishment
This penguin wears three-piece suits. Linux isn’t making much headway as a desktop operating system, but it has already become…
Vendor Value
Trend 2: Necessity Is the Mother of Velocity
Don’t expect any letup on the pressure to speed up processes. In physics, velocity equals speed plus direction. In business,…
Trend 4: Focusing IT on Innovation Will Come Back Into Vogue
Product and process innovation will be the next growth target for CIOs. Just 5.4 percent of corporate IT budgets on…