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Unequal Pay for Equal Experience
Top I.T. executives at small and midsize companies are much less likely to have business cards that say “CIO” than…
I.T. Outsourcing: Expect the Unexpected
Outsourcing may be commonplace, but it continues to confound IT executives’ expectations. Take the common myth that companies outsource to…
50 Technologies: Where CIOs are Spending Their Money
Welcome to the most comprehensive report on IT spending CIO Insight has ever produced. Unlike previous years’ surveys, where we…
February 2007 Research: IT Spending
Findings: IT Spending is Rising Across the Board
Finding 1: IT Spending Is Rising Across the Board IT executives are optimistic about their company’s prospects: Four out of…
The Future of I.T.: What’s on Tap for 2007 and Beyond
Finding 1 Customer Service Surges as a Top Priority for 2007 Upgrading infrastructure and improving processes remain high priorities. But…
Change: The Only Constant
Our future of IT survey has three parts: The first section covers the top business, managerial and technology priorities for…
The List: The Top 40 Vendors by Ranking
CIO Insight‘s annual Vendor Value study had some surprising results this year. A newcomer to the list—CDW—takes first place, unseating…
CIO Insight’s 2006 Vendor Value Study