IT Strategy
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Will U.S. IT Pros Benefit from Rising Cost to Offshore?
Did the golden age of software offshoring end in 2005? Between 1995 and 2005, when the dollar was strong and…
Does BI Really Help Businesses Get Smarter?
In our October 2005 Business Intelligence survey, more than 90 percent of IT executives at mid-tier firms told us they…
How Valuable is Business Intelligence to the Enterprise?
Overall, business intelligence is an IT success story: Our most recent IT spending survey found that BI spending is increasing…
Is Strategic Alignment Still a Priority?
Alignment of IT strategies with business priorities might not be the foremost concern for CIOs anymore, according to the Society…
Cracking the Whip On IT Spending
Compared with their peers at larger companies, mid-market CIOs are under far less pressure to reduce costs; only a third…
Managing IT Costs in a Weakened Economy
For several years, IT organizations have benefited from an expanding economy. Most companies have focused on boosting revenues instead of…
Companies Falter at Aligning IT to Business
CIOs have been talking about it for years, decades even–preaching alignment with the business as the silver bullet for making…
Investing in Emerging Technologies on a Small Budget
You don’t need a big IT budget to investigate or invest in emerging technologies. Nearly one in four mid-market companies…