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CIOs Eye Tech Remedies to Economic Woes
For months, conflicting economic projections, rising gas prices, ripple effects from fallout in the financial sector and other variables have…
Handset Market Growth Slows
The global economic slowdown has started to crimp demand for new cellphones, leading top handset research house Gartner to lower…
CIOs Should Expand Telecommuting
Soaring fuel prices that take an increasing bite out of employees’ wallets should prompt more enterprises to allow workers to…
Open Source`s New Frontier
By now, every CIO should be aware of the enterprise potential of Linux and other popular open-source software offerings. But…
Green IT Gains Momentum
Research from Cutter Consortium’s Benchmark Review shows that momentum is growing for green IT at firms that don’t yet have…
Tech’s Next Global Challenge
Corporate America, beware: They’re coming. Previously known as members of the Third World, handfuls of developing economies are turning the…
Why Retaining IT Executives Matters
Businesses usually shed talent to reduce overhead during an economic slowdown. Despite the subsequent infusion of talent into the employment…
Mobility Boosts Worker Productivity, Customer Service
Mobility isn’t what it used to be. Once a tool reserved for executives and outside salespeople. mobile devices are now…