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China: Outsourcing Giant or Global Business Empire?
The chief economist and personal financial advisor to the president of China was in one of our programs. His perspective…
What the Olympics Means for China, IT
The Olympic Games are a huge psychological issue for China. It’s their national coming-out party. It’s a validation that after…
Simplifying IT Management is Anything But
You’d think everyone would agree that complexity and unnecessary differentiation in an IT infrastructure make it harder to achieve corporate…
eBay and the Legal Problems with Online Marketplaces
When is a department store not a department store? When it’s a bulletin board. Doesn’t make sense, does it? Yet…
Why Companies Don`t Train IT Workers
Are you preparing your people for the next steps in their careers? Probably not. The number-one reason IT pros…
Top Transformational Technologies
Several hyped technologies are ready for showtime, but others are years off, according to Gartner’s new Hype Cycle on emerging…
Are Businesses Getting Greener?
Looking back, Bob Culver sees the post-Gulf War years as a pivotal time in the way the world engaged in…
Cloud Computing: Anything as a Service
If venturing into cloud computing today can be compared with Lewis and Clark’s epic trek across the United States, then…
Embracing The Software Service Economy
A quiet, complex revolution is underway in the software world. The changes and new models of development and delivery are…
Harnessing the Power of Networks
The power of networks is a truism of the Internet age, with the idea embedded in the phrase “Internet age”…