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IT, Remodeled
In IT Savvy, Peter Weill and Jeanne W. Ross deliver some bad news to non-IT leaders who like to chastise…
An Absence of IT Talent
As the depressed economy lurches along an uneven bottom, I have been trying to selectively upgrade key areas of our…
Kroll’s CIO on Effective Alignment
The relationships between IT shops and the businesses they support can be a bit turbulent. Getting both sides to understand…
The Human Element of IT
IT leadership matters–that’s widely accepted wisdom. But is it possible for a few key roles in the IT-business relationship to…
Developing Effective Partnerships
Several words get bandied about far too often in the English language. One of them is “partnership.” I’ve heard CIOs…
CIO Blowback
See also our CIO Role survey slideshow; the Future of the CIO; and the CIO Role in Crisis. Four years…
Why CIO Succession Management Matters
Succession management has been bantered about as a topic of interest in businesses and IT departments for several years. Recently,…
Putting IT Metrics to Work
Utter the word “metrics” to any cio and you’re likely to get an earful about opportunity and risk. It’s a…
Ruby Tuesday: Feasting on IT Metrics
Few businesses are as much of a numbers game as running a restaurant chain. Razor-thin margins, tough labor conditions and…