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IBM Connections Melds the Social Business With Big Data Analytics
IBM has announced a new version of its IBM Connections software, the company’s enterprise social networking platform–with support for iPhone…
EMC Leads Disk Storage Systems Market: IDC
The outlook for the worldwide disk storage systems market continues to look promising after external disk storage systems factories posted…
Mobile Users Getting More Serious About Privacy: Pew
An increasing number of mobile device users are becoming more aware of their online privacy and are taking the initiative…
Ransomware, Password-stealing Malware on the Rise
The number of new ransomware samples jumped roughly 50 percent between the first and second quarters of 2012, according to…
China to Become World’s Largest Smartphone Market
A wealth of low-end Android smartphone options and China’s rising middle class are together having a powerful impact on the…
Cloud Computing Confusion Reigns
Most Americans are confused by the term “the cloud” and do not associate it with the IT business, according to…
Gartner IT Report: BYOD Signals Radical Shift in Client Computing
The implementation and spread of bring-your-own-device (BYOD) programs, which allow employees to use their personal wireless devices such as smartphones…
Gartner SaaS Report: Sensitive Data Requires Policy Coordination
Organizations that use a software as a service (SaaS) platform for data are more likely to use it for sensitive…
Windows 8, Ultrabooks Could Lift PC Market
The worldwide PC market is expected to grow only by a fraction of a percentage in 2012, IDC reported Aug.…
Speech Recognition Finally Finding Its Voice in Mobile Technology
PALO ALTO, Calif. — If speech-recognition technology were a human, it would be like a 5- or 6-year-old child. At…