Enterprise B2B Imitates B2C

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Enterprise B2B Imitates B2C

Enterprise Buyers are Mimicking Consumer ShoppersEnterprise Buyers are Mimicking Consumer Shoppers

61% of B2B buyers report third-party sites and feedback from business partners, peers and social channels as more important than conversations with their sales teams when deciding on a purchase.

Technology Is the Cause and CureTechnology Is the Cause and Cure

45% of respondents say IT plays a greater role in customer experience than previously.

Will Technology Replace Salespeople?Will Technology Replace Salespeople?

83% of businesses say IT, marketing and manufacturing play larger roles in managing customer experiences than they did three years ago.

Processes and Technology Investments' Roles are ChangingProcesses and Technology Investments’ Roles are Changing

80% of companies have changed at least one business process involved in customer interactions in the past three years.

Top Three Changed Business ProcessesTop Three Changed Business Processes

44% increased their investments in customer sales and tech support, 40% increased the number of employees interacting with customers, 32% increased automation in the sales process

Customer Experience Is Worth Increased Cost.Customer Experience Is Worth Increased Cost.

Customers are willing to pay up to 30% more for a superior purchasing experience. 56% of those surveyed report paying more during the last six months because the customer experience was better, and they had less expensive options.

Improved Customer Experience Pays OffImproved Customer Experience Pays Off

60% of companies that have built new processes to accommodate shifts in customer interactions have increased revenue., 60% report a larger customer base., 61% report increased customer loyalty.

Feedback From PeersFeedback From Peers

89% of buyers consult a business partner, social networks, or talk with peers who have already bought the product or service they are considering.

Enterprise Buyers Give Feedback PubliclyEnterprise Buyers Give Feedback Publicly

40% of buyers reviewed a company on a third-party Website. 32% posted a review on social media, like Facebook or LinkedIn. 19% tweeted about their experience.

Over Half are Investing in Mobile, Social Media and AppsOver Half are Investing in Mobile, Social Media and Apps

55% are investing in mobile devices, 54% are investing in social media, 53% are investing in mobile apps

More Companies Plan to Improve Customer InteractionMore Companies Plan to Improve Customer Interaction

83% of respondents say they will invest in technology to improve customer experience.

C-Level Executives Perceive Customer Interaction PositivelyC-Level Executives Perceive Customer Interaction Positively

77% of business unit leaders and 66% of IT decision-makers believe their customer experience is better than the competition’s.

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