Millennials, Gen X Express Strong Job Satisfaction

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Millennials, Gen X Express Strong Job Satisfaction

Winning CombinationWinning Combination

78% of Millennials and Gen Xers feel valued by their employers, and 59% feel satisfied when they leave work every day.

Pushing the PedalPushing the Pedal

45% feel they’re overworked, despite their overall satisfaction level.

On CallOn Call

53% feel obligated to respond to work communications after normal business hours, and 58% say they are expected to be accessible after hours.

A Working BreakA Working Break

Only 31% don’t check in with the office while on vacation.

Timely ResponseTimely Response

More than one-half expect coworkers and clients to return their e-mails within two hours.

Useful InformationUseful Information

96% say they are more productive when their expectations are clearly outlined, and 80% say their bosses communicate these expectations to them.

Favored OptionFavored Option

58% prefer to communicate on work matters via e-mail, compared to 15% who prefer to text and just 5% who favor IM and chat tools.

Personal ApproachPersonal Approach

70% say face-to-face discussions are the most effective and productive way to communicate with their bosses.

Tough ChoiceTough Choice

If they could pick only one device, 44% would prefer that their employers give them a PC while 37% would like a Mac. One-fifth prefers a tablet.

Satisfactory SurroundingsSatisfactory Surroundings

73% say their organization provides the right mix of office environments to be productive.

Most Productive Work Environments for Millennials/Gen XersMost Productive Work Environments for Millennials/Gen Xers

A private office: 65%, Quiet work spaces, like a library: 33%, Shared “open room” spaces: 23%, Collaborative spaces, like a conference room: 22%, Social spaces, like a café: 21%

Working EquationWorking Equation

77% of Millennials and Gen Xers feel they maintain a good work-life balance.

Top Ways in Which Employers Can Improve Work-Life BalanceTop Ways in Which Employers Can Improve Work-Life Balance

Allow for flex hours: 51%, Enable the freedom to work from any location: 45%, Reduce workloads: 28%

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