Leading Firms’ Secret Sauce for CX

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Leading Firms’ Secret Sauce for CX

Leading Firms' Secret Sauce for CXLeading Firms’ Secret Sauce for CX

Leading-edge companies invest in the latest technologies, like AI, to optimize CX, but do not see technology as the main solution to CX challenges.

Iconic Firms Are Omnichannel LeadersIconic Firms Are Omnichannel Leaders

90% of iconic firms compared to 75% overall and 66% of poor performers said they were adept at managing CX from an omnichannel perspective, and that they have a multichannel approach to sales that provides a seamless shopping experience regardless of whether they shop online or in a brick-and-mortar store.

The Right MixThe Right Mix

60% of iconic firms claimed to have the right mix of live and automated channels, compared to 40% overall and 26% of poor performers.

Leading-Edge Technology SolutionsLeading-Edge Technology Solutions

Iconic firms are twice as likely to use leading-edge technology solutions for omnichannel CX, like next-generation self-service, loyalty program management, and “voice of the customer” survey analytics, and three times more likely to invest in them.

AI DeploymentAI Deployment

91% of respondents from iconic firms said they use AI solutions to some degree to increase customer satisfaction, compared with 42% of overall respondents.

What AI Is Used ForWhat AI Is Used For

58% of iconic firm respondents said AI is being used in their customer analytic capabilities, 20% higher than the average of responses.

Attitude Toward TechnologyAttitude Toward Technology

63% of iconic firms regard themselves as technology leaders compared to 24% on average, but they are less likely to see technology as the primary solution to their CX experience challenges, and are 20% less likely to resort to a technology-based solution.

CX Driven by Satisfaction, Not EfficiencyCX Driven by Satisfaction, Not Efficiency

Iconic firms are 20% more likely to drive their CX strategy based on six customer satisfaction rather than efficiency, especially during the later stages of the customer journey. Low-performing firms are one third more likely to be driven primarily by efficiency.

Adherence to StandardsAdherence to Standards

Iconic firms are twice as likely than average ones to demand that their partners adhere to their CX experience standards. They are almost three times more likely to integrate their CX experience with their partners.

Resistance to Sharing AnalyticsResistance to Sharing Analytics

34% of iconic firms do not share analytics and other customer insights across their ecosystems, compared with 22% on average, because they recognize the competitive advantage of maintaining unique insight into their customers.

Corporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate Social Responsibility

75% of iconic firms feel that corporate social responsibility is one of the most important components of their brand value, compared with 46% on average and 21% of low-performing firms.

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