IT Modernizations Are Delayed by Security Issues

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IT Modernizations Are Delayed by Security Issues

IT Modernizations Are Delayed by Security IssuesIT Modernizations Are Delayed by Security Issues

Modernizing IT can boost revenue while cutting costs, but legacy and other traditional technologies still dominate the workplace, stalling transformations.

Token EffortToken Effort

On average, only about 33% of organizations’ app portfolios, infrastructure and workplace technologies are considered modernized. The rest are conventional or legacy technologies.

Primary ElementPrimary Element

Despite the current lack of modernized tech resources, 88% of the IT decision-makers surveyed believe that modernized IT systems serve a critical function in addressing the emerging requirements of digital business.

Bottom-Line BoostBottom-Line Boost

On average, these respondents anticipate that a tech modernization can increase annual revenue by more than 14% and decrease operating costs by nearly the same percentage.

Arrested DevelopmentArrested Development

80% of the survey respondents said that a failure to modernize IT systems and approaches will hurt the long-term growth potential of their organization.

Compromising PropositionCompromising Proposition

42% said that they encounter security challenges with cloud technology when attempting to modernize IT, while 38% said they run into security risks related to legacy platforms.

Fresh Approach: DevOpsFresh Approach: DevOps

72% of the respondents said their company has at least started implementing DevOps methods in their software engineering efforts, and 30% said they’ve reached expert levels.

Fresh Approach: AgileFresh Approach: Agile

69% said their organization has at least started incorporating agile app development into their software engineering projects, and 31% said they’ve reached expert levels.

New Tech ToysNew Tech Toys

83% of the respondents said their company already uses intelligent automation or expects to within the next 36 months, while 75% said the same about cognitive automation and robotic process automation.

Top ROI Drivers of IT ModernizationTop ROI Drivers of IT Modernization

Business productivity: 69%,
IT staff productivity: 61%,
Business innovation from tech: 57%,
IT cost reductions: 56%,
Business cost reductions: 56%

Where Custom Business Apps ExistWhere Custom Business Apps Exist

On-premises data centers: 47%,
Hosted data centers: 29%,
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): 14%,
Platform as a Service (PaaS): 8%

Growth AreasGrowth Areas

Within 36 months, the presence of custom business apps in IaaS architectures will double to 30%, and the presence of these apps in PaaS architectures will triple to 25%.

Biggest Barriers of PaaS AdoptionBiggest Barriers of PaaS Adoption

Security: 43%,
Operational risk: 43%,
Failure to demonstrate needed ROI: 39%,
Lack of budget: 39%,
Inability to recognize value of PaaS and related services: 32%

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