Employees’ Holiday Shopping Causes IT Headaches

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Employees’ Holiday Shopping Causes IT Headaches

Employees' Holiday Shopping Causes IT HeadachesEmployees’ Holiday Shopping Causes IT Headaches

CIOs and their teams are bracing for potential network or systems issues, thanks to the number of employees who do their online holiday shopping at work.

Annual TraditionAnnual Tradition

49% of the employees surveyed said they typically shop in the office on Cyber Monday.

Meal PlanMeal Plan

64% said they will use their lunch break to track down deals.

Pleasant DistractionPleasant Distraction

43% of the respondents said they surf for bargains when they get bored with work.

Shopping DayShopping Day

39% have taken a day off to do their holiday shopping.

Group EffortGroup Effort

17% of the respondents said they’ve shopped with co-workers while in the office.

Packed AgendaPacked Agenda

8% admitted that they’ve done holiday shopping while on conference calls, and 3% have even done so during in-person meetings.

Favorite ToolsFavorite Tools

39% have used a work-issued computer to shop, and 17% have used personal mobile devices. About 25% have used both.

Seek—and Then HideSeek—and Then Hide

65% said they minimize their computer screens when a manager approaches them during an online shopping session.

In the DarkIn the Dark

55% said their employer has never provided any information or training related to IT security and online shopping policies.

No-Click ZoneNo-Click Zone

One-third of the CIOs surveyed said their organization blocks employee access to online shopping.

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