Despite the Cloud’s Value, Funds Are Often Wasted

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Despite the Cloud’s Value, Funds Are Often Wasted

Despite the Cloud's Value, Funds Are Often WastedDespite the Cloud’s Value, Funds Are Often Wasted

Nearly all organizations are investing in the cloud, but a lot of this funding is wasted. Find out what IT organizations are doing to address this problem.

All InAll In

95% of the IT professionals surveyed said their organization in investing in cloud-based solutions.

Options MenuOptions Menu

67% said their organization has adopted a hybrid cloud strategy, while 22% said their company is investing in the public cloud exclusively, and just 5% are focused strictly on the private cloud.

Labor DivisionLabor Division

On average, the IT pros surveyed said 41% of their company’s workload is in the public cloud, 38% is in the private cloud and 21% isn’t in the cloud at all.

Biggest Cloud BenefitsBiggest Cloud Benefits

Faster access to infrastructure: 62%,
Greater scalability: 61%,
Higher availability: 56%,
Quicker time to market: 51%,
Business continuity: 40%

Cloud-Related Tasks for ITCloud-Related Tasks for IT

Selecting public clouds: 65%,
Deciding which apps go to the cloud: 63%,
Selecting private clouds: 63%,
Building private clouds: 59%,
Setting policies for cloud use: 58%

Top Priorities, Part ITop Priorities, Part I

70% of the IT pros said that finding out what benefit their company wants to achieve from cloud initiatives is a top governance priority, while 56% cited the need to come up with security policies for the cloud.

Top Priorities, Part IITop Priorities, Part II

53% said establishing a timeline for the implementation of a cloud strategy remains a top governance priority, while 50% cited the need to decide which apps should go to the cloud.

Cloud ChallengesCloud Challenges

Lack of resources and expertise: 25%,
Security issues: 25%,
Management of cloud spend: 25%,
Compliance: 23%,
Governance and control: 23%

Significant LossSignificant Loss

On average, the IT pros surveyed said their organization wastes 30% of its cloud spend.

Thrifty ThinkingThrifty Thinking

52% said they are monitoring cloud utilization and “right size” instances to get the most out of their cloud spend, and 38% said they are automating the shutdown of temporary work loads.

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