Commonplace–and Bizarre–Job Candidate Miscues

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Commonplace–and Bizarre–Job Candidate Miscues

Serious ProblemSerious Problem

36% of surveyed interviewers said that candidates often make the mistake of failing to smile during an interview.

Toy TimeToy Time

33% of those surveyed said candidates often make the mistake of playing with something on the table.

Straighten UpStraighten Up

30% of surveyed executives said candidates too often exhibit bad posture.

Get a GripGet a Grip

22% of interviewers said candidates hurt their chances when they offer a weak handshake.

Hands OffHands Off

11% of interviewers said they don’t like to see interviewees use too many hand gestures.

Compensation IssuesCompensation Issues

A candidate asked how much money everyone else at the company made.

Divine GuidanceDivine Guidance

Another asked if he could offer religious advice to employees.

(Politically) Incorrect Response(Politically) Incorrect Response

In answering a question about diversity, a prospect used the term “off the boat.”

Pen PalPen Pal

A candidate brought about 50 ink pens to the interview and spread them out on a table.

Search PartySearch Party

Another attempted to Google the answer to an interview question.

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