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CIOs: Paranoid No More
In my 21 years covering IT, I’ve long been bothered by how often CIOs are discussed as if they’re a…
Is it Getting Warm in Here?
Why build a supercomputer if you don’t have to? That’s the idea behind the BBC’s climate change experiment, which asks…
Ann Winblad: VC with a View
Ann Winblad is not your average geek. Sure, she majored in mathematics and business administration in college. But then again,…
The War on Healthcare
The U.S. Military is often criticized for overspending on its convoluted bureaucracy. But when it comes to electronic patient records,…
Slow Down, You Move Too Fast
Future Hype: The Myths of Technology Change By Bob Seidensticker BERRETT-KOEHLER, APRIL 2006 272 PAGES, $15.95 Everyone knows we live…
Wireless: Do You Know Where Your Employees Are?
Free the CFO!
Reinventing the CFO: How Financial Managers Can Transform Their Roles and Add Greater Value By Jeremy Hope Harvard Business School…
Small Businesses Struggle to Offshore
Being a CIO isn’t always as glamorous as it sounds, particularly when you’ve got the top tech spot at a…