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Emerging Tech: Jeff Hawkins reinvents artificial intelligence
Jeff Hawkins has a lot on his mind-not least, a new theory about how the brain works. And he’s confident…
Commentary: Shadow World
It seems that the pirates and counterfeiters of goods and intellectual property are moving up the corporate food chain—quickly. The…
Commentary: Municipal Wireless on the Rise
This morning the New York Times reported that Suffolk County, on Long Island, is planning a free wireless service similar…
Opinion: Why IT Integration is Critical to Merger Success
The colossal merger of Union Pacific and Southern Pacific in 1996 created the nation’s biggest railroad, one that today covers…
Commentary: Net Neutrality Suffers a Defeat in Washington
Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives’ Energy and Commerce Committee voted to allow big telecom companies, such as Verizon and…
Managing Multicultural Teams
Though well-intentioned, some attempts to bridge cultural gaps on global teams just result in creating more sophisticated stereotypes. So say…
Global IT: The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming
Last fall, I was invited to be a keynote speaker at the Adam Smith Institute’s “Corporate IT Strategies in Russia”…
Windows Vista and Productivity Implications of the User Experience
Usability has always been a big—and sometimes badly handled—issue in information systems design. Ever since Apple launched the current generation…
GM’s Ralph Szygenda has the Biggest Stick in IT
In 1996, when Ralph Szygenda took over the top IT spot at General Motors Corp., he was the company’s very…