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Expert Voices: Peter Morville on Why Information Architecture Matters
Introduction The internet is well into its second wave of growth, powered by the popularity and effectiveness of search engines,…
Expert Voice: CNN’s Susan Grant on How Technology has Changed the News Business
Susan Grant knows a thing or two about technology. As executive vice president of CNN News Services, a division of…
Vista Specs: Do You Have What It Takes?
Microsoft wants PC owners to be ready for Vista. To that end, the software giant will unveil May 18 a…
Sun’s Open-Source Outreach Met with Mixed Emotions
Sun Microsystems has been a prime supporter of open source in the enterprise, in its own way, for years, mainly…
SharePoint: Microsoft’s Sleeper Hit?
While Microsoft watchers continue to obsess over Microsoft’s plans to take on Google, few are paying attention to a family…
Management: IT Education and The Modern-Day MBA
The MBA Technology Gap Congratulations! Your new budget has just been approved and you can finally hire that newly minted…
Management: How Much Web Surfing at Work is Too Much?
Is surfing the Web at work the same as reading the paper or chatting on the phone? A New York…