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Apple Sells 1M New iPhones in First Weekend
Apple said on Monday it has sold 1 million units of the new iPhone in its initial weekend, on par…
iPhone’s Killer App: Software Choices
The first iPhones won praise for their sleek design and elegant touchscreen, but Apple’s new computer phones, arriving this week,…
Consulting to In-House: Does It Pay?
After 20-plus years as a consultant, I moved into a corporate job and was surprised to find that many of…
Green IT Gains Momentum
Research from Cutter Consortium’s Benchmark Review shows that momentum is growing for green IT at firms that don’t yet have…
Tech’s Next Global Challenge
Corporate America, beware: They’re coming. Previously known as members of the Third World, handfuls of developing economies are turning the…
Mobility Boosts Worker Productivity, Customer Service
Mobility isn’t what it used to be. Once a tool reserved for executives and outside salespeople. mobile devices are now…
Will IT Weather Stormy Economic Conditions?
Since the dawn of the computer age, information technology in the United States has held a certain air of self-satisfaction–and…
The Green IT Payoff
Peter Senge’s The Fifth Discipline popularized the idea of the learning organization. His new book, written with Bryan Smith, Nina…