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Cloud Computing: Anything as a Service
If venturing into cloud computing today can be compared with Lewis and Clark’s epic trek across the United States, then…
Embracing The Software Service Economy
A quiet, complex revolution is underway in the software world. The changes and new models of development and delivery are…
Do Your Web 2.0 Efforts Work?
Psst. People are talking about your firm’s Web 2.0 efforts, and it’s not flattering. Forrester Research says most B2B blogs…
Harnessing the Power of Networks
The power of networks is a truism of the Internet age, with the idea embedded in the phrase “Internet age”…
Easing Hardware Lifecycle Management
You have probably seen the trade ads and promotional materials from Sun Microsystems for its Project Blackbox data center in…
What IT Leaders Don`t Do
IT chiefs are expanding their roles and gaining more clout than ever before, according to CIO Insight‘s 2008 CIO Role…
30 Must-Read Books for Aspiring IT Leaders
Looking for some instructive, inspiring books to read? The Society of Information Management has a few suggestions. Each year, SIM…
Report: Apple CEO Jobs’ Life Not in Danger
Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who has been dogged by investor concerns about his health, does not have recurrent cancer or…
Intel Launches Next-Gen Wireless Chips
Intel, the world’s top PC chip maker, on Tuesday launched the next-generation of its Centrino wireless chip that it hopes…