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Ex-AOL Chief May Bid for Yahoo
Former AOL Chief Executive Jonathan Miller is seeking as much as $30 billion from investors to buy all or part…
Google Drops Second Life Site
Google said it would shut down its three-dimensional virtual experience Web site by year end to focus more on its…
Vendor Value 2008: IT Providers, Running In Place
Here’s the good news from our annual Vendor Value survey: In a difficult business milieu, IT vendors have not lowered…
Intel to Unveil New Health-Care Technology
Computer chip maker Intel is introducing a technology to help homebound hospital patients with chronic medical problems, The Wall Street…
Technology in Troubled Times
Though the IT industry we know today did not exist during the Great Depression, certain elements were already in place–at…
The Tech-Native Generation at Work
Aimed at members of Generation Y who are preparing to enter the workforce, Tamara Erickson’s new book also tells the…
Analyst: Apple May Cut iPhone Production
FBR Capital Markets said on Monday that production of Apple‘s iconic iPhone might plunge more than 40 percent in the…