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Sony Hopping on Tablet Bandwagon With Two Android ‘Honeycomb’ Tablets
Sony, deciding this whole iPad-sparked tablet business might indeed have legs after all, has announced that it plans to release…
Verizon ‘Very Pleased’ With Sales of Motorola Xoom Tablet
Sales of any tablet are going to look bleak compared to Apple’s iPad, which sold 4.7 million units in the…
Making Way for the iPad: A History of Tablet PCs
The Apple iPad whetted consumer appetite for tablet PCs, not to mention its rivals’ interest in creating touch-screens of their…
Co-Founder Allen Says Microsoft Windows 7 Phone Needs to Win
Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen’s new memoir, “Idea Man,” is more than an account of the company’s early days, or even…
Apple Sues Samsung for iPad, iPhone Patent Infringement
With Apple’s patent-infringement case against HTC underway in an International Trade Commission (ITC) court, the iPhone maker has filed a…
IBM Launches New Power Blades, Servers
IBM recently announced new workload-optimized Power7 systems, including delivering increased performance to the Power 750 — the same server used…
AMD, Intel Primed to Challenge ARM in Smartphone, Tablet Markets
Anyone with questions about why Intel and Advanced Micro Devices are looking to expand into the tablet and smartphone markets…