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What’s Behind Dell’s Acquisition Madness?
One could describe Dell as acquisition-crazy and not be far off the mark. It has now captured two new companies…
iPad Brings Business Benefits but Challenges IT
Apple has won over once-tentative enterprises, in recent years, and the new iPad is no exception. However, its arrival may…
New iPad Gets Bluetooth Tune-up for Health Care
Along with the announcement of Apple’s third-generation iPad on March 7, the tablet is getting a wireless upgrade with Bluetooth…
Android 4.0 Coming to Verizon 4G LTE Devices
Verizon Wireless March 6 published a list of smartphones and tablets that will get the Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) Android 4.0, or…
New 4G iPad Unveiled With Retina Display, Revamped Apps
Apple’s new iPad includes a high-resolution Retina Display, a new A5X processor with quad-core graphics, and a 5-megapixel rear camera…
IBM Takes Watson Supercomputer to the Bank
With health care as the first major vertical market IBM has taken its Watson question-answering technology to, Big Blue has…
iPad 3 Might Feature iOS 6, HD Name
Apple’s next iPad could arrive with the moniker "iPad HD." That information comes from the blog Gizmodo, which cited a…