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The Future of Enterprise Mobility
By Jack Rosenberger To better understand the immediate future of enterprise mobility, CIO Insight recently spoke separately with Chris Hazelton,…
Wake Up, IT! It’s All About Marketing
By Charles Araujo Editor’s note: This is the second installment of an eight-part article series titled “Seven Steps to a Next-Generation…
State of Hawaii Dials Into Digital
By Samuel Greengard In June 2011, Governor Neil Abercrombie named Sanjeev “Sonny” Bhagowalia Hawaii’s first chief information officer. Bhagowalia, a…
Three Flawed Issues About Cloud Computing
By Larry Bonfante When cloud computing first became the rage, a lot of IT executives who were dismissive of it…
Seven Steps to a Next-Generation IT Organization
By Charles Araujo Before we go any further, I need to admit something. The title of this article is a…
Trucking Firm Shifts to a Mobile Approach
By Samuel Greengard For retailers and other businesses that receive goods from manufacturers and distributors, an efficient delivery system is…
Inviting the App Store Into Your Enterprise
By Shivesh Vishwanathan App stores are the mobile equivalent of desktop Web browsers in many ways. They are the predominant…
Software-Defined Networking Takes Shape
By Samuel Greengard As organizations and their CIOs look for ways to manage enterprise networks more efficiently, a growing number…
Digital Fear and Loathing in the CIO Ranks
By Michael Vizard We’re entering a period of great digital uncertainty that is trying the souls of senior IT and…
Inside the Data Center Transformation
By William Atkinson A new report published by QuinStreet Enterprise, titled “2014 Data Center Outlook: Data Center Transformation—Where Is Your…