the Supercomputing 2010 conference, IBM released details of a new storage
architecture design that can double analytics processing speed.
on Nov. 19 at the conference in New Orleans,
the new architecture created by IBM researchers can convert terabytes of pure
information into actionable insights twice as fast as previously possible. IBM
said the new architecture is primarily useful for cloud computing applications
and data-intensive workloads such as digital media, data mining and financial analytics,
and it can cut hours off of complex computations without requiring heavy
infrastructure investment.
IBM won the Storage Challenge competition for presenting the most innovative
and effective design in high performance computing with the best measurements
of performance, scalability and storage subsystem utilization.
at IBM Research, Almaden, the new General Parallel File System-Shared Nothing
Cluster (GPFS-SNC) architecture is designed to provide higher availability
through advanced clustering technologies, dynamic file system management and
advanced data replication techniques. By “sharing nothing,” new
levels of availability, performance and scaling are achievable. GPFS-SNC is a
distributed computing architecture in which each node is self-sufficient; tasks
are then divided up between these independent computers and no one waits on the
other, IBM said in a press release on the new architecture.
For more, read the eWeek article New IBM Architecture Doubles Analytics Processing Speed.