Why Companies Are Overhauling IT Infrastructure

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Why Companies Are Overhauling IT Infrastructure

Why Companies Are Overhauling IT InfrastructureWhy Companies Are Overhauling IT Infrastructure

With digital transformation considered a primary strategic goal for many businesses, CEOs are often taking the lead in preparing for this major change.

Ready to GoReady to Go

92% of the IT professionals surveyed said they believe their IT department is prepared to make the changes needed to enable a digital transformation.

Modern TimesModern Times

43% said their app architecture is primarily focused on digital, cloud and distributed, and 21% said they are transitioning from traditional tech to digital.

Total AccountabilityTotal Accountability

95% said their role impacts the success of their company’s digital transformation.

Taking ChargeTaking Charge

24% said their CEO leads the strategy for preparing IT infrastructure for a digital transformation, and 15% said their CIO leads.

Primary FocusPrimary Focus

79% said their organization has implemented a strategy to optimize IT infrastructure to enable a digital transformation, and 66% are conducting an analysis of current infrastructure to do so.


57% said their company is adopting virtualization and containerization technologies to enable a digital transformation.

Looking at CloudsLooking at Clouds

53% said their organization is hosting infrastructure in a public or private cloud to pursue a digital transformation.

Quick ClickQuick Click

47% of the respondents said their company is deploying automation solutions.

Proactive MeasuresProactive Measures

42% said their organization is integrating open-source middleware, while 36% said their company is adopting application lifecycle management.

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