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Vendor Value 2009: IT Vendors Deliver More
Tough times create opportunities for those resourceful enough to react. That’s forcefully evident in the results of our 2009 Vendor…
Why Leaders Can’t Shy Away From Crisis
CIOs are no stranger to crisis. For many, each new day brings a brand-new potential disaster. Bill George, the longtime…
IBM CIO Study Cites Business Skills as Key Priority
IBM’s newly released Global CIO study sends a loud signal to those who still focus on tactical IT operations: It’s…
Finding IT`s Business Value
In a recent Forrester survey, only 15 percent of IT leaders declared themselves to be fully aligned with the business.…
CIOs in the Era of Doing More with Less
A year ago, no one really knew exactly how down the downturn would get. CIOs and their executive peers rightly…
CIO Vincent Cirel: Partnering for Success
There’s been a kind of sudden dawn in the boardroom over the last year or two: CEOs and CIO peers…
CIO Cora Carmody: Finding Cost-Savings Opportunities
As a CIO, it’s easy to get lulled into recession depression and think, “My only job is cutting costs.” But…