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Intel Earnings Strong on Growth of Mobile Market, Cloud Computing
Despite a challenging first quarter and weakening consumer demand, strong business spending and emerging markets are driving demand for Intel’s…
IBM Launches New Power Blades, Servers
IBM recently announced new workload-optimized Power7 systems, including delivering increased performance to the Power 750 — the same server used…
AMD, Intel Primed to Challenge ARM in Smartphone, Tablet Markets
Anyone with questions about why Intel and Advanced Micro Devices are looking to expand into the tablet and smartphone markets…
The Reinvention of Dell
It’s pretty well-known by now that Dell is determined to change its whole approach to providing IT products and services.…
SideXSide: Comparing the Best Desktops For Your Business
A number of recent research reports have been sounding the death knell for the desktop computer, predicting that it will…
Dell Partners With VMWare on EHR, Mobile Technology
Dell has rolled out its Mobile Clinical Computing platform, which runs Meditech’s electronic health record applications, as well as VMware’s…
Cisco Opens New Data Center to Showcase Cloud, Green IT
Cisco Systems is opening a new data center that is going to take on multiple roles for the networking giant,…
Cloud Computing ABCs
As the widespread acceptance of cloud computing grows, so too does the pace at which companies, suppliers, customers and consumers…
How Oklahoma City Manages its Windows 7 Migration
As states and municipalities see dwindling revenues around the country, budgets for everything from schools to police departments to public…