Consumers Set High Bar for Website Experiences

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Consumers Set High Bar for Website Experiences

Bad TimingBad Timing

About three of five users aren’t willing to wait more than five seconds for a webpage to load before they leave a site—and one-fifth won’t even wait three seconds.

Lost OpportunityLost Opportunity

More than 30% are happy to leave a slow Website and buy a product from a competitor instead.

Thumbs UpThumbs Up

82% will recommend a brand to a friend if they have a positive experience with the brand’s site.

Mobile ManiaMobile Mania

More than 50% most often use a smartphone or tablet to access Websites, and over 85% use a mobile device to do so at least some of the time.

High ExpectationsHigh Expectations

More than 40% expect business sites to be equally fast, whether on mobile or on a desktop.

Deleted MemoryDeleted Memory

Nearly two of five say they don’t want a company site to remember them from a prior visit.

Most Popular Mobile Devices for Accessing the InternetMost Popular Mobile Devices for Accessing the Internet

iPhone: 33%, Android phone: 31%, Tablet: 19%, Windows phone: 2%, BlackBerry phone: 1%

Modern-Day LudditesModern-Day Luddites

Even in the Mobile Age, there are still 14% of users out there who don’t have a mobile device that can access the Internet.

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