Call Centers Heading to the Cloud

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Call Centers Heading to the Cloud

Migration SituationMigration Situation

Nearly 78% of call centers are premise-based, but 70% of organizations using premise-based centers plan to move them to the cloud. One-third plan to do so within the next 18 months.

Biggest Tech Investments for Call CentersBiggest Tech Investments for Call Centers

Customer relationship management (CRM): 41%, Workforce management: 32%, Business intelligence: 31%, Quality management: 27%, Multichannel/chat capabilities: 25%

Spread OutSpread Out

61% of the centers surveyed have agents working in more than one location, and 10% have agents in more than 20 locations.

Top Three Motivators for Moving Centers to the CloudTop Three Motivators for Moving Centers to the Cloud

Lower total cost of ownership: 55%, Better business continuity and disaster recovery: 53%, More scalability: 53%

Leading Concerns About Cloud-Based Call CentersLeading Concerns About Cloud-Based Call Centers

Quality of service and call quality: 52%, Security: 52%, Reliability and uptime: 46%, Loss of control: 43%, Internal ability to administer the system: 42%

Flexible PositionFlexible Position

46% of organizations don’t allow call-center agents to work from home, and that percentage is expected to decline to 31% by 2015.

Major BarriersMajor Barriers

76% of survey respondents say they don’t have the tech tools required for agents and supervisors to allow call-center staffers to work from home, and 52% say they don’t have telework policies in place.

A Failure to PlanA Failure to Plan

Nearly two of 10 survey respondents say their organization does not have a disaster recovery plan.

A Lack of CapabilityA Lack of Capability

More than one-half say their company doesn’t have the capability to keep their call-center agents fully functional from home during a disaster.

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