Why IT Must Respond More Rapidly to Tech Issues

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Why IT Must Respond More Rapidly to Tech Issues

Indispensable AssetIndispensable Asset

80% of front-line professionals and IT execs surveyed said the loss of digital data has more impact than that of buildings, vehicles or goods.

Short WindowShort Window

45% of those surveyed said their business is impacted if IT is down just 15 minutes or less, and 28% said business is impacted within just five minutes or less.

Down TimeDown Time

60% said it takes 15 minutes or more to simply identify the right individual to respond to a tech issue, and 29% said it takes at least one hour.

Critical MomentCritical Moment

77% of tech professionals said they’ve been told that IT is too slow to resolve key issues that are impacting business.

Broken DialogueBroken Dialogue

91% said poor incident communication increases the downtime.


41% of these IT pros admit that they’ve ignored a call or message regarding a tech issue that they should have responded to.

Personal TouchPersonal Touch

81% said they’d be more inclined to respond to an IT call or message if the alert was sent solely to them, as opposed to alert systems that send spam email to large numbers of tech team members.

Instant ConnectionInstant Connection

85% said they’d be able to accelerate issue resolution if an IT alert message had a “single click” option to initiate a conference call with the needed parties.

Most Inconvenient Places/Times Tech Pros Have Been Contacted for an Emergency AlertMost Inconvenient Places/Times Tech Pros Have Been Contacted for an Emergency Alert

“At a funeral.” “During the birth of our child.” “Camping, I was three hours away from a computer.”

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