Why Agile Teams Need Automated Software Testing

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Why Agile Teams Need Automated Software Testing

Why Agile Teams Need Automated Software TestingWhy Agile Teams Need Automated Software Testing

Many IT teams don’t have enough time to run software tests and often lack testing resources. They also don’t have staff qualified to oversee test automation.

Nimble ApproachNimble Approach

67% of the global IT professionals at midsize and large companies, as well as 75% of those at small businesses, said that at least half of their IT projects are agile.

Big Barriers, Part IBig Barriers, Part I

35% of the respondents said a lack of automation testing is the biggest obstacle to the adoption of agile technology, and 26% cited changing requirements as a top obstacle.

Big Barriers, Part IIBig Barriers, Part II

22% said a lack of adequate time to run tests presents a major obstacle to the adoption of agile technology, and 12% cited the absence of qualified testing resources.

People ProblemPeople Problem

45% of the global IT pros surveyed said their company lacks personnel with skills in test automation.

Stumbling BlockStumbling Block

19% said the products they need to test are not compatible with automated testing, and 13% said they struggle to determine what testing to automate and what to leave as manual processes.


75% of the IT pros surveyed said they use multiple automation tools for testing, up significantly from 58% in 2015.

On the MoveOn the Move

31% said that at least half of their projects involve mobile or mobile-enabled testing, up from 20% in 2015.

Connected WorldConnected World

23% of the IT pros surveyed said that at least half of their projects involve IoT-related testing, down from 29% in 2015.

Critical StepCritical Step

19% said they need to involve quality assurance team members in agile processes before they begin to design and code.

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