More Business Apps Are Delivered Over the Internet

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More Business Apps Are Delivered Over the Internet

Current SituationCurrent Situation

50% of IT decision-makers in the survey said they run less than 20% of their business apps over the Internet today, compared with using their private network

Future ProjectionFuture Projection

43% expect to deliver the majority of their apps over the Internet within the next year.

Apps Run Over the InternetApps Run Over the Internet

Websites and Web apps: 71%, Email services: 57%, Content/collaboration sites and portals: 51%, e-Learning: 47%, Mobile or mobile Web back-end apps: 46%

Room for GrowthRoom for Growth

Just one-quarter of the survey respondents said they’re running business intelligence and big data apps over the Internet.

Big MoneyBig Money

56% said that big data is their top focus for planned investment in the coming year.

Concerns About Internet-Delivered AppsConcerns About Internet-Delivered Apps

Security: 87%, Performance: 66%, Reliability: 45%

On the GoOn the Go

97% of the respondents said their company has users who access business apps on a mobile device, and 22% said that more than half of their users do this.

Moving ForwardMoving Forward

39% consider mobile or mobile Web back-end apps to be a top area of investment for 2015.

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