IT Life After Microsoft Ends Windows XP Support

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IT Life After Microsoft Ends Windows XP Support

Awareness of Windows XP End-of-Life DeadlineAwareness of Windows XP End-of-Life Deadline

Almost two in 10 IT pros are still unaware of issue. Aware of April 8, 2014 deadline for Windows XP support: 81%, Unaware of April 8, 2014 deadline for Windows XP support: 19%

Percentage of Computers Currently Running Windows XPPercentage of Computers Currently Running Windows XP

A significant number of Windows XP computers are still operating in the enterprise. None to less than ten percent: 23%, Ten percent: 26%, Twenty to fifty percent: 27 %, Fifty to one hundred percent: 23%

Approximate Number of Machines Running Windows XPApproximate Number of Machines Running Windows XP

Organizations with less than 50 Windows XP computers represent about half of the respondents. None: 15%, One to ten: 28%, Eleven to fifty: 24%, Fifty-one to hundred: 9%, One hundred or more: 25%

Do You Anticipate a Need to Keep Machines Running Windows XP After Microsoft ends support?Do You Anticipate a Need to Keep Machines Running Windows XP After Microsoft ends support?

Slightly less than half will go it alone after Microsoft ends XP support. No: 53%, Yes: 48%

Why Do You Need to Keep Machines Running Windows XP?Why Do You Need to Keep Machines Running Windows XP?

Many Windows XP applications don’t lend themselves to Windows 7 or 8. Compatibility with other machines: 74%, Budget and cost: 42%, Not enough time to execute migration: 22%

What's Your Plan for Supporting Windows XP After the Microsoft End-of-Life Deadline?What’s Your Plan for Supporting Windows XP After the Microsoft End-of-Life Deadline?

Vast majority of organizations intend to go it alone, without Microsoft or third-party support. Support internally: 75%, Still finalizing plan: 23%, Third-party support: 9%

When Upgrading From Windows XP, What OS Will Be Deployed?When Upgrading From Windows XP, What OS Will Be Deployed?

Despite being a slick operating system, there is not a lot of enterprise enthusiasm for Windows 8. Windows 7: 72%, Windows 8: 14%, Undecided: 10%, Macintosh OS/X: 4%

What Percent of Hardware Will Need to be Refreshed or Upgraded as Part of the Upgrade?What Percent of Hardware Will Need to be Refreshed or Upgraded as Part of the Upgrade?

About a quarter of organizations are looking as major system upgrades. None: 28%, Ten percent: 18%, Twenty percent: 12%, Thirty percent: 10%, Forty percent: 6%, Fifty percent or more: 27%

What Will Your New Client Operating System Look Like?What Will Your New Client Operating System Look Like?

The retirement of Windows XP doesn’t appear to be causing many organizations to embrace desktop virtualization. Mostly physical machines: 49%, All physical machines: 39%, Mostly virtual desktop infrastructure: 12%, All virtual machines: 5%

Will a Lack of Windows XP Support Push Your Organization to the Cloud?Will a Lack of Windows XP Support Push Your Organization to the Cloud?

It’ll take more than the forced retirement of an aging operating system to make that occur for most of the respondents. No: 83%, Yes: 18%