Forrester: IT Spending Forecast

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research analyst firm Forrester has revised its forecast for global information technology
spending. The firm now says worldwide IT spending will increase 8.1 percent in 2010, down from its
previously forecast increase of 9.9 percent. The trending is downward as the U.S. economy grows "at a
snail’s pace," yet it is characterized as "still robust" by Forrester analyst
Andrew Bartels. The forecast for 2011 has IT spending increasing 7.4 percent over 2010.

Spending in several IT
categories is expected to rise, including:
computer equipment, which is
at a healthy 19 percent growth rate for the year;
and software purchases, expected to
grow by 9.1 percent.

The most notable spending for software purchases in 2010 will occur in applications ($97 billion), middleware
($53 billion), custom applications ($41 billion) and operating systems ($11

More than $73 billion will be spent in 2010 on IT services such as systems integration and technology consulting, while $95 billion will be spent on IT outsourcing. Here’s how much Forrester forecasts will be spent in IT outsourcing products and services categories in 2010:

  • Distributed environments – $26 billion
  • Mainframe outsourcing – $19 billion
  • Application outsourcing – $14 billion
  • Desktop outsourcing – $13 billion
  • Network oustourcing – $6

For more, read the eWeek article Forrester Reforecasts IT Market Outlook.

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