Dell Partners With VMWare on EHR, Mobile Technology

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Dell has rolled out its Mobile Clinical Computing platform, which runs Meditech’s electronic health record applications, as well as VMware’s Sphere and View virtual desktop infrastructure.

Dell will provide hardware such as laptops or tablets for the MCC platform, while its partners provide the software, virtualization and security technology. Meditech has about a 30 percent marketing share in EHR software in the United States and 50 to 60 percent in Canada, according to VMware.

"One of the top pain points for virtually every health care CIO involves managing clinical and administrative desktops," Peter Stone, vice president and general manager of the Meditech Solutions Group within Dell Services, said in a statement. "PC client issues strain otherwise carefully deployed health care enterprise applications and can hinder adoption of advanced clinical software."

VMware View allows doctors to call up patient records on any device within a secure, virtual environment, and then delete the information after the session without storing the data locally.

Using the MCC platform, doctors are now able to finish up their work at home on a tablet such as an Apple iPad or Dell Streak tablet in a secure environment, Frank Nydam, VMware’s director of health care solutions, told eWEEK.

In addition, the virtualization capabilities of VMware Sphere and View allow IT workers to fix any software problems remotely instead of traveling to the doctor’s office or the hospital.

"Folks don’t have to visit the hospital, which may be two floors down, two miles or two plane rides away," Nydam said. "They simply need to fix the desktop from their one pane of glass, from their data center and redeploy the new one."

For more, read the eWEEK article: Dell, VMware Collaborate on Mobile, Virtual EHR Technology.

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