App Outages Pose Costly Challenges for CIOs

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App Outages Pose Costly Challenges for CIOs

Inconsistent DeliveryInconsistent Delivery

82% of global CIOs and senior IT decision-makers surveyed admit that they are unable to meet business needs for immediate, always-on access to IT services.

Stepping UpStepping Up

More than nine out of 10 surveyed leaders said their organization has increased requirements for minimizing app downtime, in addition to increasing requirements for guaranteeing access to data.

Slow ResponseSlow Response

It takes an average of 2.86 hours to recover mission-critical apps, and 8.45 hours to recover non-critical ones.

Major ExpenseMajor Expense

The average cost of one hour of downtime for a mission-critical app is $82,864 and $43,886 for a non-mission critical app.

Top Drivers for Minimized Downtime and Guaranteed Data AccessTop Drivers for Minimized Downtime and Guaranteed Data Access

Frequent, real-time interactions among customers, partners, suppliers and employees: 65%, Need for 24/7 access to apps due to globalization: 56%, Increased adoption of mobile devices: 56%

Current EventCurrent Event

81% of those surveyed said their organizations are either modernizing or have already modernized their data centers, and 16% expect to do so within the next two years.

Business Drivers for Data Center ModernizationBusiness Drivers for Data Center Modernization

Lowering operational costs for IT: 70%, Providing always-on operations: 68%, Strengthening security and control: 67%, Provisioning new apps and services more quickly: 58%, Giving users faster and more efficient IT services: 49%

What Organizations Want in Their Data CentersWhat Organizations Want in Their Data Centers

High-speed recovery: 60%, Data loss avoidance: 53%, Verified protection: 47%

Top Tech Investments for CompaniesTop Tech Investments for Companies

Server virtualization: 97%, Storage upgrades: 95%, OS upgrades: 94%, Data protection/disaster recovery: 93%, Network virtualization: 88%

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