Disaster Recovery Is Heading Into the Cloud

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Disaster Recovery Is Heading Into the Cloud

Disaster Recovery Is Heading Into the CloudDisaster Recovery Is Heading Into the Cloud

To ensure that tech systems keep running smoothly—even during times of duress—companies are increasing their investment into cloud-based disaster recovery.

Need for SpeedNeed for Speed

72% of CIOs and other IT leaders surveyed said the speed of data backup and recovery is very critical for their organization.

Routine CheckRoutine Check

94% said they regularly test their data backups, and 88% said they conduct production level testing with their disaster recovery solutions.

Untimely ConsequenceUntimely Consequence

81% of the respondents said it takes at least an hour to recover from server failure, and 26% said it takes more than two hours.

Backup PlanBackup Plan

64% said their company uses at least three different disaster recovery solutions, with 26% using at least five.

Cloud MixCloud Mix

75% said their organization leverages cloud-based disaster recovery solutions, with 36% opting for a hybrid mix of on-premise and cloud tools.

Expansion PlanExpansion Plan

89% of respondents said their organization plans to increase cloud-based disaster recovery.

Cautious ApproachCautious Approach

77% said their company has used disaster recovery solutions after a security threat event.

Disaster Recovery-Related ConcernsDisaster Recovery-Related Concerns

Security threats: 53%, Hardware failure: 20%, Backup disk corruption: 11%, Natural disasters: 10%, Power outage: 2%

Unified ViewUnified View

90% of the CIOs and other tech leaders surveyed said they would like to consolidate their disaster recovery solutions into one dashboard.

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