Best Practices for Embracing Hybrid Cloud Resources
While organizations commit to hybrid cloud technologies, they should streamline techniques for integrating, managing and automating their workloads.
Non-critical workloads give you a low-pressure place to begin building cloud confidence. Leverage that to migrate more sophisticated applications to the cloud. You’ll demonstrate value to the enterprise and build support for expanded hybrid projects.
Some enterprise workloads just aren’t suited for the cloud. Before you embrace the hybrid model, determine which workloads will be where and when. You may want to move some temporarily to the cloud and keep others off-premise permanently.
Start with a simple application stack, import and test as you go. Then move to more sophisticated applications, but keep testing before the cutover.
If you plan to move several workloads to the cloud with a variety of SLAs, plan for more than one provider. Cloud-based services can run anywhere from self-service to fully managed, so consider what levels of technical support you’ll need.
In a changing market, flexibility and mobility are essential. Seek management options that let you migrate, mix and match your on- and off-premise platforms and plug into cloud-based resources best for your evolving requirements.
Engage the largest and most mature public cloud providers so that your cloud-based workloads are more likely to be in an environment that is secure, or more secure than on-premise data centers.
Hybrid resources introduce additional management complexity and additional tools can erode the cost and ease-of-use benefits you sought in the cloud. Give your teams the capability to streamline management of hybrid resources.
Building out independent tools and workflows for new cloud-based resources will be time- and resource-consuming. Maximize ROI with solutions that isolate, abstract and automate on-premise and cloud-based platforms to a single, unified environment that is both familiar and intuitive.