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Impinj Launches Industry’s First RFID Gen 2 System
Impinj announced on Monday the roll-out of its GrandPrix, a set of RFID tags and readers touted as the first…
New Eclipsys Clinical Apps Ease Drug Orders
Eclipsys Corp. Thursday launched Sunrise 4.0XA, the latest release of its suite of clinical information technology applications, with more than…
Ritz Camera Focuses on RFID-Accelerated Checkout
The 1,200-store Ritz Camera chain wants to let customers drop off film without having to slow down and thinks RFID-enabled…
RFID in the Enterprise Special Report
Sun Eyes RFID Centers for Taiwan, Japan
Sun Microsystems Inc. is now looking to launch radio-frequency identification customer centers in Taiwan, Japan and Europe, now that similar…
Doctors Using Handhelds, But Not for Medicine
U.S. physicians are five times as likely as general consumers to use handheld computers, but less than a third of…
Outsourcing Becomes More Selective
Report: ‘Follow the Leader’ Brings Trouble in Retail RFID
As the young RFID retail market moves through its experimental stages to eventual full deployment, many retailers “are finding problems…
Electronic Pill Box Proves to Be Good Medicine
Two health companies have teamed up to distribute an electronic pill box that does much more than help patients organize…
Can Outsourcing Save Jobs?
Fear of job loss has always clouded the reputation of outsourcing, going back to the days when the practice was…