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Health IT M&A Grows in Q1
In the first quarter of this year, there were 22 merger and acquisition deals for health care information technology companies.…
Study: Providers Come Up Short on HIPAA Privacy Compliance
Most health care providers are mostly compliant with the privacy rule of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, but…
Winn-Dixie CIO: Bankruptcy Has Its Advantages
When the $10 billion 1,000-store Winn-Dixie grocery chain went Chapter 11 (bankruptcy reorganization) on Feb. 21, the initial employee reaction…
DoD Medical-Record System is Model for National Version
The Department of Defense is continuing to roll out an EMR system that has been in continuous development since the…
A Conversation with Ian Mitroff, Crisis Management Guru
Nobody likes to think about worst-case scenarios. But for Ian Mitroff, a professor at the Marshall School of Business at…
e-Prescriptions Can Work, Consultants Contend
Until a study was released last month in the JAMA showing that the entry of patient prescriptions by doctors into…
Health IT Goes Global
The Online Resource Center is a new feature of the LIGHT Initiative, which eHI established in 2004 to facilitate learning…
IT Vital to Improving Health Care
After meeting last October, the Health Sector Assembly – a group of almost 60 public and private health care organizations,…