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Kodak Refocuses to Keep Up With Customers
Eastman Kodak Co. has a really big problem. The photographic film business that sustained one of the world’s great brands…
Columbia Pairs Students with CIOs
In a nod to experiential learning, students enrolled in the executive master of science in technology management program at Columbia…
Asset Managers May Untangle Complex Systems
Technology You can’t manage what you can’t measure. Complexity in IT is like the national budget deficit. It just keeps…
Innovation Takes More Than Just Ambition
Kesh Narayanan is a perfect example of what has, in the past, made the U.S. a force in the world…
SarbOx Guidance Clears Up Nothing
Last month, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board and the Securities and Exchange Commission attempted to clear up two of…
Can IT Deliver Inspiration and Perspiration?
Information technology organizations are headed down two different paths, says Graham Waller, an analyst at Gartner Inc. “One type of…
The First Thing We Do: Let’s Offshore the Managers
This is going to be reader-participation week at We’re asking your opinion on a revolutionary, if completely logical idea.…
Pending Security Policy May Unkink Global Supply Chain
Terrorism worries are adding new dimensions to the job of supply chain manager, according to Theo Fletcher, one of IBM’s…
Pay for Performance Not Ready for Prime Time
The premise of pay for performance is hard to disagree with: Doctors and institutions that provide better care should earn…