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Blockbuster CIO Aims to Turn Tech From Threat to Opportunity
With half a dozen major IT projects going simultaneously in 2004, you would think that Blockbuster Inc. CIO John Polizzi…
Co-Sponsor Disses SarbOx Regulation
Add another powerful voice to the growing chorus of Sarbanes-Oxley critics: Congressman Michael Oxley. In early July, the coauthor of…
SarbOx Complications Overwhelm Preparations
Problem Compliance has been a moving target, and costs have piled up early and often. It was January 2004, and…
Knowledge Workers Need Better Management
They don’t like to be told what to do. They enjoy more autonomy than other workers. Much of their work…
CIOs Learn Very Little From Security Audits
Security audits—often conducted by the same firms that handle financial audits—are supposed to be an outsider’s expert view of how…
2005 CIO Compensation Survey
Up. It’s a nice way for pay to move, and it’s where most of the chief information officers in Baseline‘s…
$200 Billion Price Tag for National Health Network
In a landmark paper released in the August issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine, a panel of experts determined…
- Feeling the Need For Speed
The Web site is all about pricing, as it pitches itself as saving consumers as much as 80 percent…