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Restaurant CIO: Would You Like Wi-Fi with That?
A major regional fast-food chain—with 433 restaurants in the Southeastern United States—is going to offer free wireless connections to anyone…
Stock Exchange CIO: Real-Time Means Real-Time
At a time when IT executives are finding users less and less tolerant of network delays, CIO William Morgan has…
Canadian Tire CIO Spends $40 Million for POS Sweep
Typically, a CIO arguing for a $30 to $40 million IT investment for new payment systems has to answer a…
Health Plan Providers Have Good IT; Execs Want More
Health insurers have driven much of the automation currently existing in the health care system, motivated by the need to…
Nano-Laser Kills Cancer Cells
Scientists at Stanford University have developed a new laser therapy that destroys cancer cells but leaves healthy ones unharmed. The…
Blockbuster: Movie Business Remains a Moving Target
Though it may be hard to believe, there was a time when bright blue-and-yellow Blockbuster signs did not grace every…
WTC Survivors Find Solace in Virtual Reality
Animated images of the September 11th attacks are being used to help survivors cope with anxiety stemming from that day.…
The Flight of the Pringle
Tom Lange knows more about flying Pringles than probably anyone alive. As director of modeling and simulation at Procter &…
Global Experience Should Improve Domestic Performance
Okay, so you’re an executive at a large corporation with operations around the world. How “developed” are you, really? To…