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- Wants Your Spare Change: All Of It
Pity the poor penny, the neglected nickel, the despondent dime and the queasy quarter. The times are changing and for…
Electronic Health Data Helping Katrina Victims
How do you take your daily medicine if you can’t remember what prescriptions you have? That’s the situation facing many…
Studies Show Electronic Medical Records Make Financial Sense
Instituting electronic health records is an expensive proposition, especially for small physician practices. And few of these practices are adopting…
Ameriquest: Making Mortgages a Little Too Easy
When Ameriquest put in place an automated system to speed mortgage processing, it cut more than half of the 50…
Hurricane Katrina: Lessons Learned
Two weeks after Hurricane Katrina took most of the Gulf region—and the nation—practically by surprise, companies that have moved beyond…
The Fine Line Between Charity and Self-Promotion
The most altruistic gift is an anonymous contribution, in which a giver wants to help but does not want to…
Drug Scientists Slow to Adopt Open Source
A surge in open-source technology offers many businesses a potent combination of power and low cost, but the pharmaceutical industry…
Does Cyberterror Matter to Counterterrorists?
An Al Qaeda operative hacks into a network of a multinational company, grabs sensitive data about internal operations, floods its…
UPS Delivers Real Presence for Virtual Bank
Chris Erice works for a medical services company in downtown Honolulu. He’s surrounded by banks. The nearest teller machine is…