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Automating Logistics to Keep Coffee Fresh
Another aspect of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc.’s business in which IT has played a crucial role has been in…
Home Builder Adds a CIO to Help Keep Up With Boom
Two years ago, in the midst of the longest housing boom in U.S. history, and with its revenues having doubled…
Using One Retail Channel to Fund Another
She’s a professional woman, somewhere between the ages of 35 and 60. She is well-educated, has money to spend, and…
Pulling Kaiser’s IT Out of Intensive Care
If ever there was a company in serious need of alignment, it was Kaiser Permanente. Three years ago, the Oakland,…
Measure of Alignment Predicts Success
Kay Lewis Redditt’s reasons for getting into the business of measuring IT alignment were directly connected with her frustration with…
Government Sets Big Health IT Goals, Awards Big Grants
The Department of Health and Human Services has had a busy week in health IT—it set forth broad goals for…
Government Health IT Push May Need to Circle Back
As part of a push to promote information technology, the health IT czar announced plans Wednesday to track how many…