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Virtualization May Get More Power From Your Hardware
With servers, the norm has been: any application likely to run constantly, such as Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle, requires…
CIO Tells About Life on Bleeding Edge of RFID
As an early adopter of RFID technology, Kimberly-Clark Corp. CIO Terry Assink is experiencing life on the bleeding edge of…
Intellectual Security: Patent Everything You Do, Before Someone Else Does
Do you ever go online to reorder office supplies from Staples or OfficeMax? Are you a regular customer of the…
Has the Enemy of Patent Trolls Become One?
In 2001, when he was assistant general counsel at Intel Corp., Peter Detkin famously coined the term “patent troll” to…
Cruise Company Keeps Closer Check on Tech
It’s a common problem: business managers overwhelm IT staffers with nagging, small support requests—everything from changing the graphics on a…
Are Your Vendors Fighting to Keep You Happy?
It’s amazing how much better a vendor can get when new competitors turn up the heat. In previous vendor value…
How to Keep IT Up With a Rapidly Changing Business
After years of contraction, companies large and small are once again turning their attention to growing the top line. And…
What Health IT Won’t Do
Health information technology promises better care at lower costs, but it can’t fix a broken system. Giving doctors more access…
Feds to Push Health IT Forward in 2006
Editor’s Note: This story is part of a new series of stories from the reporters and editors of Ziff Davis…