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Growing Up
Like a kid brother who looks up to his older siblings, midsize businesses have a lot to learn from the…
Playing Catch-Up
In some ways, midsize businesses will be dealing with the same general IT issues in 2007 as their large corporate…
Hosted IT: When Simple Won’t Do inc.’s utility pricing and on-demand services may change the hosting game, but some applications continue to demand more of…
GM Outsourcing Overhaul, 1 Year Later
After 10 years of trying to captain a ship with the wheel lashed to a dead-on course, Ralph Szygenda finally…
Test Your IQ
It took four years for Andrew Woje-Wodka to figure out how to make business intelligence matter to the business side…
Amazon at Your Service
Thousands of businesses from around the world outsource their e-mail management chores to Inc., a Blacksburg, Va., company that…
I.T. Pros Share Their New Year’s Resolutions
Jeff Peterson, CIO of UNICCO Service Company, a $700 million facilities and equipment management company, has big plans for 2007.…
Women CIOs: How To Smash the Glass Ceiling
Do women have a decent opportunity of getting promoted to chief information officer? Though statistics on the number of women…