Case Studies
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Resource Center: Open Source
Case Study: Bets the Shop on Open Source For, a small player in the outdoor sporting-goods market, the…
For Johnson & Johnson, ITIL Means No More I.T. Tears
Six years ago, Johnson & Johnson was among the world’s oldest and most profitable heathcare companies. In 2001, profits hit…
Virtualization Enters ‘2.0’ Era
NEW YORK CITY—In the coming 18 months, virtualization, already a mainstream tool for IT administrators looking to consolidate applications within…
British Telecom’s Tech Transformation
British telecom had a problem. Three years ago, as the U.K. telecom giant (now BT Group plc) sought to remake…
PLM: Boeing’s Dream, Airbus’ Nightmare
Story Guide: An Urgent Message Rewards, and Risks, of PLM Airbus’ Nightmare: Born in a Storm Boeing Takes a Different…
Field Report: Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence: Facts and Figures
Mid-Market Report: Trends for 2007