Why Workers Don’t Trust Their Company’s Leadership

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Why Workers Don’t Trust Their Company’s Leadership

Why Workers Don’t Trust Their Company’s LeadershipWhy Workers Don’t Trust Their Company’s Leadership

CIOs need to take a proactive role in engaging their IT teams—or risk losing valuable tech talent to competitors.


51% of surveyed U.S. and Canadian employees are not happy at work.

Pending ExodusPending Exodus

Half don’t expect to be in their current job one year from now.

Culture ClashCulture Clash

Less than two-fifths said they know what their company’s cultural values are, and only 44% said they like their company’s culture.


Only 40% said they know what their company’s vision is.

Without a CompassWithout a Compass

61% don’t know what their company’s mission is, while 57% aren’t motivated by their company’s mission.

Fleeting FaithFleeting Faith

Just 45% trust their organization’s leadership.

Underappreciation FactorUnderappreciation Factor

57% do not feel they are recognized for their progress at work, and 53% said they’re not recognized for their achievements at work.

Unspoken SentimentUnspoken Sentiment

60% said they don’t receive “in-the-moment” feedback from their managers.

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